Saturday, December 11, 2010

Eat right, exercise, live forever

German researchers say you will age slower if you exercise, eat healthy foods, and have a good lifestyle. In fact, they have determined how many years more, on average, you will live if you do those things.
Elderly people who exercise, eat well, and generally have an active lifestyle will live around four (4) years longer than their counterparts that don’t exercise, don’t eat well, and generally have a sedentary lifestyle. People who lived a sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle for most of their lives can begin to live a healthier (and longer) lifestyle if they start to exercise regularly and eat healthy foods later in life.
To reach this conclusion, Dr. Dieter Leyk of German Sport University Cologne looked at a group of physically active people composed of 900,000 marathon and half-marathon runners from the age of 20 to 79 years.

Kinda common sense, no? Here's something to get you started. First, the food pyramid:
And an exercise pyramid:

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